Zhu Yizhou
Zhu Yizhou
Zhu Yizhou was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China, in 1989. Zhu Yizhou studied at the School of Visual Arts in New York from 2013 to 2016 and received a bachelor's degree, majoring in Fine Arts. From 2018 to 2020, She studied at the Department of Oil Painting of Tokyo Art University and received a master's degree. 

Zhu Yizhou’s artistic career developed in tandem with the coming-of-age of Millenials. She introspects her spiritual yearnings from the collective cultural value system of the East and West perceived by her surroundings, as a means to obtain serenity. During her creative process, Zhu Yizhou is highly absorbed in the act of art making, even oblivious to the outside world, which somehow bestows her works a carefree, gratifying aura.  Her works detach themselves from the constraint of certain periods and emotions, locating their content on the Zen philosophy of the East, while also introducing her sensibility.  The landscapes, still lifes, and figures in her works are stripped of the temporalities and zeitgeists attached to a particular motif.  The repeatedly revised and refined images in her works, overlaid with slightly fidgety brushstrokes, present an East-Asian style of solitary atmosphere.

Zhu Yizhou's selected solo exhibitions include: The Scenery for Me (ArtPro Space, Beijing, 2022), Predictive Space (OJUN’s Room, Ibaraki, 2018), The Rooms (Waterside Gallery, Wuxi, 2015). Selected group exhibitions include: Asian Artist and Japanese Artist (The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo, Tokyo, 2019), Five People (YUGA Gallery, Tokyo, 2018), Art Next Generation (China Cultural Center, Tokyo, 2018). 
Selected Works