Xu Dawei
Xu Dawei
Xu Dawei's work is based almost entirely on imagination and is more subjective and intuitive. He says he often starts with a blank SLATE, without a narrative script or a plan. He always starts with the paintbrush "automatically" on the canvas, where the content takes shape. This approach also gives the works a more natural and smooth emotional outpouring, with a more mysterious atmosphere.

Xu Dawei's works tend to be intuitive and perceptual, and pay more attention to emotion, emotional projection and inner expression. The works revolve around different object replacement combination and transformation change, to create some anxiety and melancholy, tension, contradiction, heavy, mysterious and absurd, interesting atmosphere. As a kind of irrational existence, the unidentified shape objects often appear in the picture, trying to break the original familiar environment and normal image narrative, and create a sense of strangeness. By creating a fantasy physical space juxtaposed between reality and fantasy, I hope to realize some kind of thinking and psychological dialogue outside reality.